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Hi, I'm Dat. Coach and speaker that has manifested magnetic purpose with over 13 years of success transforming organizations through technology and culture & inclusion initiatives.


I empower leaders, employee groups, and organizations towards their peak potential with wellbeing and inclusivity. I have delivered over 50 keynotes and workshops reaching thousands of people at leading companies and organizations worldwide since taking the stage in 2022. All on top of using my mastery in creating safe spaces that enables self-exploration.

I deliver coaching and talks on

Helping leaders, employee resource groups, and organizations discover their individual and collective values and purpose to bring more thrive energy into life and work.


Manifesting impact with inclusivity so we see, acknowledge, and celebrate people in they way they need to enable them in becoming our allies and advocates with purpose.


Gaining the resiliency to move us towards peak performance and wellbeing so that we can stop self-sabotage and overcome any headwinds towards living our purpose. 


"Dat's series has been an absolute game-changer for GLEAM LATAM. It has ignited a spark of empowerment and generated an incredible amount of excitement and insights among us. The series has empowered us to lift each other up and create a culture where everyone’s voice is valued.”

Vivi Flores - Microsoft, GLEAM Employee Group Chapter Lead

Together let's create the new narrative that lights you up and change the world together.

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